Show #4 is now on Newgrounds! Originally was live on June 7th! Enjoy some awesome underground music, a couple of my tracks are on there too (RealFaction here lol). Check it out!
We ESPECIALLY need Canadian artists right now to meet the 40% Canadian content per broadcast law, so tell your friends! We're always accepting of artists around the world though, submit your music! Find out how to get on the show to get some radio play to two cities in Canada below!
Submit Your Music, Get Played on the Radio!
If you want to have any of your music featured on the show, post your stuff on our official forum: or email at
Catch Our Live Shows!
We're live on our Discord server every week. If you want to listen to the streams when they're live, you can subscribe to my youtube channel with notifications on.
Check the edited versions (newer episodes) on PeaceFM every Friday night at 12:00 AM midnight Eastern time USA, you can tune in on the website: