Hey, it's @ThatJohnnyGuy here! As you may have noticed, I've not been involved much with Off the Wall for quite a while. @Aalasteir has been hosting and I've been giving him advice and helping him with changes, I've been directing from behind the scenes.
Seeing as I am focused on other things in life and that he has proven himself to be a great host, and running the show really well, he understands what Off the Wall should be. As of today, I am proud to announce that I am giving him full ownership of the show, and I fully trust in his leadership ability. He will be running this account now, and this will be my last post here.
I'm thankful Off the Wall has been continuing for a 4th season and all these wonderful guests have come on the show. Thank you @Aalasteir for making this possible, to keep the show going. I'll be returning as a guest in the future though! Thank you everyone, make sure to keep listening to the episodes!